Monday, May 14, 2012

Enchanted forest

 One afternoon I took a friend to an unscheduled walk after doing some errands. I pretended I know the way and I kept her talking and walking on a road leading outside our small town. It lead us to an enchanting forest. I think I have been there some years ago, but now everything seemed much more beautiful. Maybe due to the rain from the previous day.
We went on a desert country road, deeply scared by carriage tracks which had been on that road during its muddy stage.
This image made me remember the fairy-tales which enchanted my childhood. I almost expected to see a dwarf running between the trees or a fairy flying down on a sun ray. I don't have to tell you about the scent...from the blossoming acacia or the sound of the undisturbed birds, busy with their  household chores.
 Seeing in front of us a herd of cows, my friend urged me to find another way back. So, we took a path which I thought was leading to another part of town. Bad mistake! It led us to a younger part of the forest where people had gathered branch poles for the vineyard. It was, of course a dead end, as was also the next path we tried.
Thus we had to go back and take the same road we had come, just in front of the cows. Soon after this we encountered some people, cutting some of the fat grass for the poultry, I suppose.
It was a nice walk, although my friend was very tired. But she doesn't dare protest too much because she doesn't want to upset me. As to rewards her, I took her an a road I knew had beautiful acacias. She had expressed her desire to photograph them before they lost their blossoms.
 He re is a sample. This acacia had the company of another blossomed one, I dont' know what exactly. What I enjoyed was also the old-fashioned stone wall surrounding that yard and supporting supporting the hill.

 Here is a detail acacia flower. Unfortunately the picture can't render its scent too...
 This wandering opened my friend for walking, so she suggested descending towards the valley on  an unfamiliar road. This lead us to some sorts of gardens hidden away between the houses and the apartment blocks. I enjoyed taking into the objective also a bold-necked rooster and its hens which were enjoying the fresh green there.

This is a decorative flower pot from the park. I liked the flowers which surrounded them but also the vine pouring from it. As you can see the pot has some archers from ancient Dacia. They reminded me of a historian's mistake. He translated, many years ago, a document about these people saying that a ruler had cut all the vineyards in the land as a measure against their corruption by drinking wine. I remember a discussion among my many uncles, who were feeling sorry for these ancestors of ours. They couldn't imagine how you can life without having your own vine. I don't think there are many Romanian who can stand life without their wine. Life would be unbearable...I imagine that this was the situation with the people from Dacia too. Thant's why I liked the idea of the vine pouring from the pot decorated with these native warriors.
 With these concludes my incursions for these days. Here are some pictures taken by my friend at her grandmother's - for the ones missing their rural childhood.
Here is the swallow nest under the roof of the hundred year house.
 Here is the caring mother hen, hiding away on some straws in a corner...
And the distant cows and sheep on a never-ending green field.

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