Friday, March 16, 2012

All day Friday

Today was a very funny day.... Among the highlights are the red underwear of one of my students,  and a kissing pair on the teacher's table.
But, maybe I should start from the beginning. One of the first classes I had, I am a teacher by the way, brought the first funny event. I was teaching tenses and I was very focused on the faces of some girls to see an acknowledgement of understanding. At a certain moment, I saw with the corner of my eye, a boy (the simple-minded stout,  meek type) moving from his central desk to one closer to door. At the time, I was staying exactly in front of the door and next to the desk he moved into. In the back of my mind I figured that he came closer as to be more attentive, to understand me better and I continued to talk delighted and with greater passion. When I was in the central point of my explanation and I rotated slightly to direct myself towards the blackboard, I felt a big mass passing me by and brushing my shoulder in its way towards the door.
Immediately I heard the door behind me. I turned towards it and then amazed towards the class. "What happened?" I saw the empty sit and I realized that the boy-man had left like a tornado.  Seeing my shocked face, the girls, who are in a physical and emotional majority in that class, smiled kindly at me and explained me what happened.
It seemed that the boy had a pressing need to go to the bathroom. He had moved to that desk closer to the door, maybe in an attempt to approach me with a request to leave the class. But I was so involved in my teaching that he didn't dare to interrupt me. He is very shy, apparently. I think he didn't dare to ask me because I am categorically refusing their bathroom requests during class.
The girls said that he must have been conquered by his bowel demands and he chose the fastest way to exit. Of course, I felt bad, remorseful for the poor guy. I was glad that he didn't return till the end of the class. As to redeem myself, I told them that if any of them has such big problems, they should go out quietly and not wait any more for my permission.
Did I bore you? I hope not.
Next came an hour of rehearsal for a theater play I'm staging with some students. We chose an empty classroom and began acting. Some other students, who were skipping classes, heard us and came in. I let them stay in the idea that they were useful in preparing my student-actors for an audience.This audience proved very critical and really helpful noticing acting mistakes. But, one of the girls couldn't stop laughing. I think she was flirting with one of the boys from the audience and didn't feel like behaving like a mum, her part. At a certain moment she had to act as if she has just found out the her teenage daughter is pregnant and act shocked and demanding. Imagine the harsh words of an upset mother coming out from a mouth which couldn't stop smiling. I made her redo the lines ten times and couldn't make her stop. Everybody was trying to make her act seriously, I showed her several times how to do it, I asked her to imagine her mother finding out about her being pregnant, and a sad event...but each time she was trying her smile kept creeping out and spoiling her words. Finally, I gave up and with the promise she will try more in a mirror at home, we went on with the rehearsal. Of course, that was a deal breaker, nothing went great from then on. Some days, a smile can ruin your hard work and best intentions.
 Then was the red underwear... I went to a graduating class. While walking towards their classroom, one of the boys stopped me saying: "Don't go in there yet teacher! There is a naked girl there!" Of course, I thought it was a joke. Why else would he be outside? If he knew a girl was like that in there, he would have knocked the door to the ground to go in, like a normal boy that age (17). That was my thinking and I went in smiling getting ready to tell the girls his joke.
So, I came in...The first thing I saw was red, very nice bra and panties. I stopped and looked at the strange scene, but none of the girls, who were around the main character seemed much disturbed by my entrance. They looked at me bluntly and that was it. But a movement behind me stirred them up immediately after."Don't let him in, teach! Close the door!" The boy was trying to sneak inside taking advantage of my coming in.
I did automatically what it was demanded from me. I closed the door, not very convinced, only to open it again when the boy told me he has to get in because the principal was on the hallway. So I let him in, being still in a state of confusion, although I knew for certain that she wasn't in the school.
I turned around to watch the boy sitting down quietly without sneaking a peek at least towards the group of girls. I still don't know what happened there..what went through his mind. He stayed like that, playing with his phone under his desk, until the class really began.
My eyes, of course, turned to the naked girl, demanding explanations. Another girls delivered it very naturally - the red underwear brunette was trying on a dress brought by a classmate for an up-coming party. She wanted to see if it fit her and if so, buy it.
I looked at the girl, still stunned, and resigned (she was already doing she had to get dressed somehow) and watched her pulling over her head a tight fitting, very short, almost see-through white dress. Asked by the wanna-be beauty -of-the ball what do I think about the way the dress fitted her, I tried to shape a non-offensive answer (we want to be on the good side of our customers -in this case my students, isn't it?). So I told her that its' too short and that makes her hips look bigger (I felt that I had to appeal to reasonable arguments as to convince her) and the tightness of the dress was accentuating hr belly making her look fat. I was promptly contradicted by a classmate of hers saying that any dress which is worth wearing will show her forms.
Trying to preserve my position, I said with an eye to the boy (who was completely out of it) that I can see her underwear through that dress and she needs something underneath, but there was no more space for that. That reply was completely ignored by now. They were busy giving the girls advice about how to lose some weight in two weeks, when the party was supposed to be.
So, I sighed and began extracting my materials for the class from my bag. When I finished, everything was in order, everybody sitting down and ready to attack English in an organized manner as they usually do. It's a collaborative class, very well intended, and maybe that's why I feel compelled to cut them some slack sometimes...
And that was not all for the day. Another notable event was in relation to another class door. At the last hour of the day, I went very convinced that I will find no student there as usual. They are another graduating class, who despite my repeated threats of "twisting their necks" if they leave, feel too tired to stay at the last class of the week. I got used to this by now so I open that door very sure to find it extremely empty.
Not this time! To my great surprise, today when I opened the door I saw the back of a student. My face burst into a very happy smile and I opened my mouth to congratulate him for staying when he turned around to reveal a girl. The girl, from another class, was sitting on the teacher's table and her lips were very obviously red from kissing.
I looked at both of them and with a mocking smile I asked them what they were doing there. He began smiling foolishly and stuttering a vowel with embarrassment. I insisted with the question, amused by his blushing face and nervous retreat towards the other side of the room.
When I directed my "attack" to the girl,  I received a very straight-forward calm response -"We are waiting for the bus home which is coming in 15 minutes. It's no point staying outside in the cold, in the bus station, so we are waiting for the time to pass here. " I looked at her and of course asked why they were leaving, they both had classes. The response was very simple -they were the only ones left from their classes and they were staying there because of the cold outside.
That was it. What could I have said to that? I asked them to leave that class anyway and not stay there by themselves and I returned to the teacher's lounge to write the absentees in the class catalogue.
Do you thing the kissing scene on the teacher's table was the thing that surprised me? No!...By now I am used to teenage behaviour. It amused me, of course, to catch that in the act, but what surprised me more was the boy. I had previously suspected him of having another orientation. I have always seen him together with two other class-mates of his, girls, towards whom he had obviously no inclination. They are best friends and that's it, although they are both pretty girls. This coupled to some effeminate gestures and talking manner have made me think for the last two years that he is not attracted to girls in that manner. Maybe I was wrong...! At least the event today makes me doubt that idea. Although I am not still completely convinced he has chosen a side for life. The way the girls took charge of the situation and manned -up to answer in his place to my inquiry and the fact that I know her to be a more decisive person, makes me to think that my label was not completely wrong.
OK...I bored you enough. The day had many more enjoyable parts, but it would be a very long story to tell them all.

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