Saturday, April 28, 2012

Masks and injuries

Here again.This week wasn't a very eventful one, but I didn't manage to write because I had a lot of work to do. I worked first for others. I like helping; people who deserve it. Of course I haven't finished but I still have got time, so I postpone successfully till the last moment, as it's in my nature.
School was all right. I managed to surprise my students and colleagues with a new office look. What impressed everybody was my make-up. It seems I am known for not wearing make-up. I have to admit I really neglected this for work. Usually I prefer sleeping some more minutes in the morning than waking up earlier and putting on make-up. But...seeing my very decorative cousins on Easter, made me think that maybe I should pay more attention to this aspect. After all, they are not the only ones with cute genes in the family.
A boy expressed their surprise asking me if I "masked" myself. Of course there was also the daring one, alluding to my attractive look. But the reviews were generally complimentary and polite, so I didn't have reasons to complain.
I met with the drama club students and mobilised them for another play. They didn't protest at all, I think they enjoy this. One of the boys had his neck full of hickeys. Joking, I told him he should talk with his girlfriend to do the same thing for him when we'll have the play representation, saying it would fit in the play. He plays a cheating husband. He was funny when he blushed and quickly zipped up his jacked.
He has really developed a personality. I remember him last year when he first acted in a play. He was very shy and inflexible. I really thought I couldn't do the play with him because he was horrible. But practicing and talking, watching his colleagues, he managed to loosen up a little. After the first representation, everything changed. He got a lot of confidence in himself and his personality began to show up. Now he comes up with a lot of versions for his characters and has very good directorial suggestions. I saw him changing a lot in the past year. He used to be a a chubby, very straight-faced student, who kept wearing his shirt buttoned-up, almost strangling him. Now he is a very talkative person, always joking and ready for anything. I am always glad when I see that I can help students come out from their shells.
There were also some bad news. One of my students, broke a leg playing soccer with his friends. He is not the first to injure himself like this. I really don't know how they manage this. They don't seem to play that rough. Another student got hit by a speeding car at the school gate. He had descended from the bus, had put his hood on and didn't see the fast approaching car when he crossed the street. He was thrown into the air and he hurt his leg and head. I last heard that he was in a big hospital. I hope he will be all-right. He is a good, quiet student and this is a really bad moment for him - a month till his high-school final exams. I hope he will manage to recover until then. If not, his university plans for this year, will be ruined.

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